




script stopped working after upgrade to Sequoia
Hello, I don't know much about AppleScript, but I found this script on a Raycast site that dismisses Notification Center notifications. It worked great on Sonoma but has stopped working in Sequoia. Here is the code: tell application "System Events" tell process "NotificationCenter" if not (window "Notification Center" exists) then return set alertGroups to groups of first UI element of first scroll area of first group of window "Notification Center" repeat with aGroup in alertGroups try perform (first action of aGroup whose name contains "Close" or name contains "Clear") on error errMsg log errMsg end try end repeat -- Show no message on success return "" end tell end tell When using this to attempt to dismiss notifications, it returns the following error: Can’t get scroll area 1 of group 1 of window "Notification Center" of process "NotificationCenter". Invalid index. (-1719) Please help me fix it so it will run in Sequoia! This script was super useful.
Sep ’24