So I have a backup with the app already with rpath setup I signed again each dylib then I signed with codesign -f -v -s "Apple Distribution: Rui Oliveira (2LQ42S86QX)" --entitlements "entitlements.plist" --options runtime --timestamp "my" and got this output message signed app bundle with Mach-O thin (x86_64) [com.mycompany.appname]
then I did again productbuild --sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: Team (ID)" --component /Applications app.pkg
and output error complete is :
productbuild: error: Can't write temporary package to "/var/folders/f9/509z5hw118v4p5yv2h2s3m3w0000gn/T/TemporaryItems/NSIRD_productbuild_DY4Oll/com.mycompany.myapp.pkg" (Cannot write package to "/var/folders/f9/509z5hw118v4p5yv2h2s3m3w0000gn/T/TemporaryItems/NSIRD_productbuild_DY4Oll/com.mycompany.myapp.pkg".).
Could it be a permission problem in temp folders?
Well I was checking security and privacy settings and I gave to terminal full access to disk.
Im using only terminal in a normal shell no sudo or extra powers beside the settings in security and privacy for terminal.
So I'm going to check with that disabled.
Always fails same error.
I disabled the full access to disk did a hard reset to zsh and as I was using an external disk to save the file I moved the file to internal disk and I ended with same error.
Seems even more a permission problem under temp folders.
What disk capacity you recommend for this operation I have 56Gb free in internal the file has 16Gb?
Yes Quinn is a 16Gb app.
Yes it lied I had less space than what I was thinking I free some more space and had 54Gb but still the same error message. Is there any space requirement for productbuild command? I imagine it will need the package space and more I don't know how much to build with command line tools.
Quinn i confirm with pkgbuild the file is too large going to free some more space.
After I did pkgbuild --identifier com.mycompany.appname --sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: Team (ID)" --install-location /Applications --component /path/to/ /path/to/myapppkg.pkg
reproduced a error: pkgbuild: error: Cannot write package to "/path/to/myapp.pkg". (The operation couldn’t be completed. File too large)
I free up to 4x the app size and still same error must be the pak file inside of it of 16Gb the issue there must be a limit I don't know...
Im going to cook the app inside unreal engine without generate the pak file and I think it will fix the problem Thank you Quinn.
After I submit to store I got a result : Invalid Binary.
Can it be the entitlements configuration?