




Running out of memory analyzing images with ImageRequestHandler
Hi, I'm trying to analyze images in my Photos library with the following code: func analyzeImages(_ inputIDs: [String]) { let manager = PHImageManager.default() let option = PHImageRequestOptions() option.isSynchronous = true option.isNetworkAccessAllowed = true option.resizeMode = .none option.deliveryMode = .highQualityFormat let concurrentTasks=1 let clock = ContinuousClock() let duration = clock.measure { let group = DispatchGroup() let sema = DispatchSemaphore(value: concurrentTasks) for entry in inputIDs { if let asset=PHAsset.fetchAssets(withLocalIdentifiers: [entry], options: nil).firstObject { print("analyzing asset: \(entry)") group.enter() sema.wait() manager.requestImage(for: asset, targetSize: PHImageManagerMaximumSize, contentMode: .aspectFit, options: option) { (result, info) in if let result = result { Task { print("retrieved asset: \(entry)") let aestheticsRequest = CalculateImageAestheticsScoresRequest() let fingerprintRequest = GenerateImageFeaturePrintRequest() let inputImage = result.cgImage! let handler = ImageRequestHandler(inputImage) let (aesthetics,fingerprint) = try await handler.perform(aestheticsRequest, fingerprintRequest) // save Results print("finished asset: \(entry)") sema.signal() group.leave() } } else { group.leave() } } } } group.wait() } print("analyzeImages: Duration \(duration)") } When running this code, only two requests are being processed simultaneously (due to to the semaphore)... However, if I call the function with a large list of images (>100), memory usage balloons over 1.6GB and the app crashes. If I call with a smaller number of images, the loop completes and the memory is freed. When I use instruments to look for memory leaks, it indicates no memory leaks are found, but there are 150+ VM:IOSurfaces allocated by CMPhoto, CoreVideo and CoreGraphics @ 35MB each. Shouldn't each surface be released when the task is complete?
OSLog Logger & SwiftUI
Hi, Are there any macros that can be used with Logger to automatically capture the SwiftUI function that the message originates from? Currently, I am using something similar to: Logger.misc.error("In \(#fileID), \(#function): \(error)") Currently, the #function only tells me that it originates in body... Ideally, I'd like to be able to tell if it was with an onAppear, onChange, Button, alert, etc... I realize I can manually enter this, but was wondering if there was a more automated way to capture this info. Thx,