




Color Format Requirements for Input in Apples MLModel of DeepLabV3
I am sending CVPixelBuffers to the input of the DeepLabV3 MLModel. I am of the understanding that it requires pixel color format 32ARGB or 32RGBA. Correct? Can 32BRGA be input? CVPixelBuffers support 32BRGA and OpenCV as well. Please note, I want to use the MLModel as trained. Neither 32RGBA no 32ARGB are supported for type CVPixelBuffer. 32ARGB: An unsupported runtime error occurs with the configuration as follows... func configureOutput() { videoOutput.setSampleBufferDelegate(self, queue: bufferQueue) videoOutput.alwaysDiscardsLateVideoFrames = true videoOutput.videoSettings = [String(kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey): kCMPixelFormat_32ARGB]. 32RGBA: "Cannot find 'kCMPixelFormat_32rgba' in scope." The app process: Video captured pixelBuffers are sent to c++ code where openCV operations are done, creating up to 3 smaller Mats which are then converted back into pixel buffers in the Objective-C. These converted PixedBuffer are used in three ways. All are sent to the MLModel for image segmentation to identify people; the files may be sent to the photo library; or may simply be viewed on the screen. I need a color format that can support all these down stream operations/pipelines.
Jan ’24