Actually, my logging wasn't working as I thought it was. I'm still not seeing UIApplication.willTerminateNotification which might be intended, but I am seeing the relaunch work with exit now that I've fixed the logging.
Actually, when building with strict-concurrency=complete and Xcode 14.3 I am seeing these errors again. ASPresentationAnchor() is MainActor, so it seems impossible to implement ASWebAuthenticationPresentationContextProviding and return a ASPresentationAnchor.
Nevermind. We had this class embedded in a function. Removing the definition out of that scope solved it.
We are using async. If I have an object that has a load() async method and a .loadStatus property (values might be something like not-loaded, loading, loaded), and the .load() can be called from and completed on an arbitrary thread (it might make a network request let's say). I like the pattern of our properties that can change being @Published as a built-in property wrapper for this situation. However, in our case where the method can complete on any given thread you end up with a bug like this:
XCTAssertEquals(foo.loadStatus, .loaded)
This fails, loadStatus is "loading" because it's Published and I have to DispatchQueue.main.async the load status update to avoid purple runtime errors.
I'm seeing the same behavior and have the same question. I'm using Xcode 12.1. Does anybody know why this occurs?