Same problem here.The "New Feedback" button is disabled in the Feedback Assistant app on macOS.I also noticed that the status information (such as "open", "less than 10 reported", etc.) disappeared from submitted feedbacks.And there is no way off submitting a new feedback on the Feedback Assistant website either.
Yes.Xcode 11.3Simulator iPhone 11 Pro Max - 13.3Disabling "Automatically Sync Pasteboard" fixes the issue.
Keyboard input in Xcode Previews works again as of Xcode 12 Beta 2!
This is an issue again with Xcode 12.2 and iOS 14.2 when using TabView with PageTabViewStyle.
.onAppear is called multiple times on the first tab, but only once after scrolling pages.
Same issue here. I think it's a bug (or a new intended behavior) that comes with iOS 14. Using Xcode 12.2 but running on iOS 13 works properly.