




Reply to Does GeometryReader not work any more in iOS Swift Playgrounds for iPad (ver 3.4) ?
Okay ... More information ... all the programs, that fail when running from iPad Pro, work fine when running from this same app on Mac. Same code, as all my programs are stored in iCloud !  (I did not even know you could get Swift Playgrounds on Mac - I thought you spun up a playground from out of Xcode solely.) This fact alone negates me having to post examples of what fails, for others to try to spot any errors. If the same code runs fine from MBP, from this app ... but fails when run from this app on iPad ... then we definitely have an implementation issue on iPad for this app.  The question is ... where is the best place to communicate this with Apple ? Does Apple monitor these post and get back with the developers ? If I had an issue with Xcode, or with an app, I could use my Developers account to create a ticket (I guess, I am new to the Developers account). But with this app ... not sure how to create a ticket exactly. 
Nov ’20
Reply to Is the Swift Playgrounds for iPad (ver 3.4) no longer able to handle a Text() view within a ForEach Loop?
Okay ... More information ... Seems these slew of Errors that I have been observing only occur for Swift Playgrounds app when it is running on an iPad. (And I did not even know you could get this same Swift Playgrounds app on MBP. Of course, if I am going to be working on my MBP, I'd opt to use Xcode instead.) But all these programs, (that fail when running from this app on my 4th Gen 2020 12.9" iPad Pro), work fine on Mac. Same code, as all my programs are stored in iCloud ! This fact alone negates me having to post examples of what fails, for others to try to spot any errors. If the same code runs fine from MBP, from this app ... but fails when run from this app on iPad ... then we definitely have an implementation issue on iPad for this app. The question is ... where is the best place to communicate this with Apple ? Does Apple monitor these post and get back with the developers ? If I had an issue with Xcode, or with an app, I could use my Developers account to create a ticket (I guess, I am new to the Developers account). But with this app ... not sure how to create a ticket exactly.
Nov ’20
Reply to Does VStack/ScrollView combination not work any more in iOS Swift Playgrounds for iPad (ver 3.4) ?
Taylor wrote: @richiwalt,I answered a different question on the forms and I think the issue is the same. After the update to 3.4, I don't think the screen size of the live view is being registered currently inside the ContentView (or any view) which is leading to unexpected behavior for views that need that information. Thanks, that probably explains many of my apps that are now failing ... but I don't think it covers all of them that fail. This update looks promising with a console we now have for print() statements ... but it seems there is a ways to go to get it back on par of reliably of the previous version. I wonder if this is part of what may eventually become Xcode on iPad ?
Nov ’20
Reply to Does GeometryReader not work any more in iOS Swift Playgrounds for iPad (ver 3.4) ?
@Tylor, Thanks for taking a look at this. I do want to confirm that I used GeometryReader extensively in the previous version of Swift Playgrounds for iPad - dozens of times in a card game where I computed best possible grid layout for cards as they were out of play in a solitaire game. The grid of cards dynamically changed for a best possible fit for aesthetics ... and even changed between horizontal, and vertical, or full screen and 1/2 screen for iPad. I had no issues at all with GeometryReader in previous version - it was very reliable.
Nov ’20
Reply to Does VStack/ScrollView combination not work any more in iOS Swift Playgrounds for iPad (ver 3.4) ?
@Tylor, The yellow is the "canvas" where images would be dragged from a side-by-side safari app. Again, this is an extremely cut down fraction of the app that ran fine in version 3.2 for Stanford's 2020 SwiftUI course: Posted on You tube lecture 6, 7, and 8. If you go to you tube (link is restricted from posting here) and search for Stanford 2020 SwiftUI lecture 6, and got to time stamp 00:37:20, you'll see what this should look like when running. I was starting lecture 8 and all was working fine on iPad .. then the update hit, and all my apps in iOS Swift Playgrounds for iPad BROKE ! The whole "EmojiArt" app is teaching dragging and objects (such as the emojis from the pallet at the top, and images for the background from Safari in a side-by-side), also teaching persistence with UserDefaults, and adding more experience with programming in SwiftUI.
Nov ’20
Reply to iOS Playgrounds App version 3.4 seems to be broken ?
I am in agreement with OOPer, But I still have a problem after correcting the miss-type. I did miss-typed (by hand) the quick test program into this post - not sure why I posted GeometryProxy as opposed to GeometryReader as it is in my test program in Playgrounds correctly. So this code fails with the error message “Abort() called” on the line for Text(“Hello World) import SwiftUI import PlaygroundSupport struct ContentView: View {     var body: some View {         GeometryReader { geometry in              Text("Hello World")                 .frame(width: geometry.size.width * 0.9 )         }     } } PlaygroundPage.current.setLiveView( ContentView() ) (This code was copied and pasted, directly from the failing program ... sorry for the original mistype. I can’t seem to find a way to edit the original post. )
Nov ’20