
Post marked as solved
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On Beta 5 it finally works on both device and simulator 🎉
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Still happening in Beta 4😢
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For what is worth, my Feedback FB6270775 "Recent Similar Reports:Less than 10"I guess it would help if more people with the same issue could fill a feedback report.Cheers
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Same for me. The code that works on iOS12/WatchOS5 Simulator doesn't work on iOS13/WatchOS6 Beta 3
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I reported this as feedback FB6270775
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Today I also tried to create a non indipendent iOS13/WatchOS6 appBut still nothing seems to work.I callhealthStore.requestAuthorization(...)But nothing happen. I also implemented the func applicationShouldRequestHealthAuthorization(_ application: UIApplication) { healthStore.handleAuthorizationForExtension() { (succeded, optionalError) in if (succeded) { print("Succeded") } else if let error = optionalError { print("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)") } else { print("Error") } } }in the host app.The same code in iOS12/WatchOS5 works showing the expected HealthKit permission dialog
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Turns out that if you leave the simulator on for a long time you get an error messagerequestAuthorizationCompletion error: Authorization session timed out
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Same here. Came to see if I was the only one stuck with this.Does anyone know if this works on a device running the beta?