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Is there an API in macOS to detect when another app is capturing the screen. My goal is specifically to detect when apps like zoom, chrome, safari are capturing the screen for sharing during a call.
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I’m struggling getting the grasp of how build a fitting UI for a Watch App using SwiftUIWhat I mean by fitting is that I wanna create a screen that shows some informations without resorting to scrolling.The UI should be adaptive to the screen size and fit the UI elements and I would also like to be able to drop low priority UI elements when the space is not enough.I tried to create a sample VStack of Text elements and than use properties like `layoutPriority(...)` and `.minimumScaleFactor(...)` to let the content fit the container but with no luck.Given the following code. The result I see on screen is a list of big Texts overflowing the available space. Doesn’t matter what combination of `layoutPriority(...)` /`.minimumScaleFactor(...)` methods I usestruct ContentView: View { var body: some View { VStack() { Text("Hello World").font(.title) Text("Hello World").font(.title) Text("Hello World").font(.title) Text("Hello World").font(.title) Text("Hello World").font(.title) Text("Hello World").font(.title) Text("Hello World").font(.title) } } }Results inView post on imgur.comIs there a way in swiftUI to build a fitting UI that can scale the contents to fit the available space rather than just relay on what space the contained View wants to use? Also is there a way to drop UI elements if the space available is not enough?
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