




GarageBand aborts when clicking on any SwiftUI button in AudioUnit plugin
I'm developing an AudioUnit plugin using SwiftUI for the front end. When I run my plugin in GarageBand on macOS, clicking on any SwiftUI buttons in the interface causes GarageBand to abort -- I see this message near the top of the Problem Report: abort() called Unrecognized selector -[_TtC7SwiftUIP33_9FEBA96B0BC70E1682E82D239F242E7311Coordinator lastClickedParameterView] It appears that something in GarageBand expects a method named lastClickedParameterView to be implemented somewhere? Am I supposed to implement this method? If so, where do I implement it, and where can I find documentation for it? The plugin has a small host application as part of the project, and when I run that host application in Xcode or from DerivedData, buttons work normally and as I expect. AudioUnits, strictly speaking, don't seem to require this method -- it seems to be something that only GarageBand and Logic require? I ran into this problem in GarageBand 10.3.5 on macOS 10.15.7 with an app built in Xcode 12.4 to target macOS 10.15. I upgraded to macOS 11.4, Xcode 12.5, and GarageBand 10.4.3, and built the app targeting macos 11.3, and see the same problem.
Jun ’21