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I am using a cocoapod script that does the following on postinstall: sed -i -e $'s/ && (__IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < __IPHONE_10_0)//' Pods/RCT-Folly/folly/portability/Time.h This works perfectly when doing pod install locally. However, on Xcode Cloud this is the result: sed: Pods/RCT-Folly/folly/portability/Time.h: No such file or directory This makes me think the pod install command is receiving the wrong CWD or something really weird. I had to manually add the sed command to the script like this: sed -i -e $'s/ && (__IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < __IPHONE_10_0)//' /Volumes/workspace/repository/ios/Pods/RCT-Folly/folly/portability/Time.h It appears to find the file only with the volume path in front within xcode cloud. If this isn't fixed, React Native developers are going to be very confused why builds are failing. I just happened to see the sed error when running pod install after spending a while debugging this.
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