




Reply to SwiftUI iOS 14 MapKit Annotation Tap Gesture (didSelect)
A solution is to create a struct that signs MapAnnotationProtocol with some Any type attributes. Then call MapAnnotation with that struct. So onTapGesture works. 1) Create a struct that conforms to MapAnnotationProtocol. struct AnyMapAnnotationProtocol: MapAnnotationProtocol {   let _annotationData: _MapAnnotationData   let value: Any   init<WrappedType: MapAnnotationProtocol>(_ value: WrappedType) {     self.value = value     _annotationData = value._annotationData   } } 2) Call the new SwiftUI Map View's closure, then call the annotation previously set.  Map(coordinateRegion: $region, interactionModes: [.all], showsUserLocation: false, userTrackingMode: .constant(.follow), annotationItems: annotatedStations) { item in AnyMapAnnotationProtocol(MapAnnotation(coordinate: itemCoordinate) {                 HStack {                     Image("byeByeDidSelect")                         .resizable()                         .frame(width: 45, height: 40)                         .clipShape(Capsule())                     Text("This annotation can be tapped.")                         .foregroundColor(.black)                 }                 .onTapGesture {                     print("Test tapping")                 }             }) } Hope help you guys.
Jun ’21