I had already add iOS lock screen widget and watchOS complication using WidgetKit for app. Maybe I can give some tips.
For question one, I'm also having this problem, And code is right definitely. Finally resolved by upgrading the watchOS version. Now watchOS version upgrade to 9.1(20S75) from 9.0.xx. ( iOS Version is 16.0, Xcode version is 14.0.)
2.When edit the complication, getSnapshot will called and return the entry. In my situation, the logic in getSnapshot and getTimeline almost same, except return different value. So you can try.
In debug mode, my watch app setting :
So I can select watch app scheme build and run. The watch complication can also build and run the same way.
You can add new scheme for Watch widget extension, build and run.
I had already answered these questions on other question which author still you. Maybe you can try like this:
1.For question one, I'm also having this problem, and code is right definitely. Finally resolved by upgrading the watchOS version. Now watchOS version upgrade to 9.1(20S75) from 9.0.xx. ( iOS Version is 16.0, Xcode version is 14.0.)
2.When edit the complication, getSnapshot will called and return the entry. In my situation, the logic in getSnapshot and getTimeline almost same, except return different value. So you can try.