I also encountered the same problem, do you have a solution
This is the crash log for my 10.3.3 device
I accidentally touched it. I can't cancel it yet
Try deleting the folder xcode-preperinences -locations-archives from this directory
I saw a post saying that long press translation in UITextField caused the crash.
You overload the method: - (BOOL)canPerformAction:(SEL)action withSender:(id)sender,Then disable the translation function
Resolved, there is no swiftui.framework library
Build Phases -> Linking Binary With Libraries add SwiftUI.framework, and set the status to Optional
Have you solved it yet?
Here you can only set the PingFangSC-simple, Before xcode16, multiple options can be set here
I also encountered the same problem, feedback for almost a month, no one responded to me