Hello all.
I've been asked to add data push notifications to an iOS app, and that is working good.
It must be a data push as my banner must show user icon, not app icon (like WhatsApp and Telegram).
So the notification banner is showing, until the app is opened or it's been closed less than 2 days (more or less) ago.
After (about) 2 days, the push banner is not displayed anymore.
Did never had this problem when I was using "normal" notifications.
BTW, the banner is displayed as I open the app.
Any thoughts?
"Remote notifications" background mode is already activated.
I'm using Firebase Cloud Messaging, if it can help. application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler is implemented.
Push msg has
"aps": {
"content-available": 1
in the correct place.
Thank you