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I want to get the bssid of connected wifi network. I am using below block of code it is working fine below 10.14 but after 10.14 getting nil. but all other values like rssiValue noiseMeasurement transmitRate etc getting .[CWWiFiClient sharedWiFiClient].interface.bssidAny Suggestions would me more helpful
by premk.
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I have a popover which i want to resize the popover whenever click action performed. In viewDidLayout using preferredContentSize i am resizing the popover- (void)viewDidLayout { self.preferredContentSize = NSMakeSize(NSWidth(tableview.frame), height); }this is working fine below 10.14 but in 10.14 there is flickering what could be the reasonAny help or suggestions would be more appreciated.
by premk.
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I have legacy webview in which i am loading a webpage which has a fixed bar on top but while scrolling the webview the top fixed bar is getting flickering. I've refered this by below block of code i was able to fix for os versions below 10.14 , but this issue is still in 10.14 How to fix this ? [_webView wantsUpdateLayer]; [_webView setCanDrawSubviewsIntoLayer:YES];Any suggestions would be more appreciated. Thanks in advance
by premk.
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I have an SCNetworkInterfaceRef through which i want to get all details of the interface i was able to bsd name,type mac address but unable to get hiddenConfiguration (hiddenConfiguration is bool value )prefrencePlist path/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist SCNetworkInterfaceRef interface = SCNetworkServiceGetInterface(service); NSString *type = (__bridge NSString*) SCNetworkInterfaceGetInterfaceType(interface); NSString *bsd = (__bridge NSString*) SCNetworkInterfaceGetBSDName(interface); NSString *mac = (__bridge NSString*) SCNetworkInterfaceGetHardwareAddressString(interface);How to get hidden configuration value?
by premk.
Last updated