
Post not yet marked as solved
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Hi,I want to know where mac os support any HSM integration like azure keyvalut,nCipher,utimaco etc. I am working with codesign command line tool to do the signing process.I am using the digital identity(certificate+private keys) stored in mac os keychain to do signing. So is it possible to use digital identity(certificate+private keys) stored in HSM to do signing process? If yes ,please describe the process as well.
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8 Replies
I want to use self signed certificate to do signing of mac os executable like .app file or .ipa file for development purpose. I am not intended to publish the signed app in ios or mac app store.I wanted to develop this as a tool.So can you please suggest what are the options available for the same? I do not want to use "Xcode’s automatic code signing" as it is out of my development scope.So can anyone suggest what are the available options for this?
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