




Reply to Unable to transition to the next screen modal with viewStore.binding in SwiftUI
@OOPer The viewStore is here. private let store: Store<FormState, FormAction> WithViewStore(store) { viewStore in // ← viewStore     ScrollView {      VStack(spacing: 24) {  〜〜〜 } } } ・FormState public struct FormState: Equatable {  public static func == (lhs: FormState, rhs: FormState) -> Bool { true }  var isShowView = false     public init() {   }  } } ・FormAction   case let .showCompleteView(isPresented):    state.isShowCompleteView = isPresented    state.eventComplete = isPresented ? .init(entryEvent: state.entryEvent) : nil    return .none I can confirm that sheet is called after going through FormAction, but I get the following error. whose view is not in the window hierarchy.
Oct ’21
Reply to Unable to transition to the next screen modal with viewStore.binding in SwiftUI
The viewStore is here. private let store: Store<FormState, FormAction> WithViewStore(store) { viewStore in // ← viewStore     ScrollView {      VStack(spacing: 24) {  〜〜〜 } } } ・FormState public struct FormState: Equatable {  public static func == (lhs: FormState, rhs: FormState) -> Bool { true }  var isShowView = false     public init() {   }  } } ・FormAction   case let .showCompleteView(isPresented):    state.isShowCompleteView = isPresented    state.eventComplete = isPresented ? .init(entryEvent: state.entryEvent) : nil    return .none I can confirm that sheet is called after going through FormAction, but I get the following error. whose view is not in the window hierarchy.
Oct ’21