




HealthKit authorization sheet in Landscape iOS15.4
So in iOS15.4 the HealthKit authorization sheet which gives you permissions to select HealthKit options comes up in Portrait Only, and my App is in Landscape. Wondering if there is a way to tell the authorization sheet to display in Landscape? Additionally in iOS15.4 this authorization sheet displays a high NavBar in Portrait by default instead of the compact NavBar, thus after the user accepts the HealthKit permissions and the authorization sheet is dismissed, the App switches back to Landscape, but is now stuck with the high NavBar instead of the compact NavBar, and there appears to be no way to switch it back to the compact NavBar after this. Calling the NavBar itself and programmatically setting compact doesn't work. So the only way to get the compact NavBar back is to restart the App. So my second question is there a way to get the HealthKit authorization sheet to come up with a compact NavBar instead of the high NavBar?
Mar ’22
Xcode 13.3 cycle in dependencies between targets
So using latest Xcode 13.3 on an Apple Silicon MacBook I get a compile error the 2nd time and every time there after stating 'cycle dependencies between targets'. So my App has a AppCoreLibrary we compile and it complains about this library and the App itself stating a cycle dependency exists. Only way to get it to compile again is to do a clean build and then it will compile the first time and that's it. This was never a problem in any prior Xcode release. Spent time trying to get around it, but haven't found a way yet. Seem's like it's yet another new Xcode bug introduced on this latest 13.3 build. Wondering if anyone else is seeing this too?
Mar ’22