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I have implemeted on-demand device packet tunnel VPN provider on MacOS X, it works well but there is a minor issue for the VPN status in menu bar which enabled from this device VPN item of System network settings.After sometime switched wifi from one to another, there are duplicated device VPN status item listed under the VPN status icon when end user click to it, mentioned "Disconnect the-device-VPN-profile-name", it is not happened every time wifi switching, but highly likely to reproduce the issue when I switch multiple time back and forth. And even though switch Wifi multiple times, I have never seen the status item be tripled or more, only two.If I disable the "Show VPN status in menu bar" checkbox in VPN network setting and enable it again, then only one item wil be shown there correctly.I searched this forum and found another post in this area (, but not sure if it is really related?My packet tunnel VPN provider behaves as reconnecting to the backend VPN server automatically without closing the current VPN session(utun interface) when wifi switch, does that matter to this issue?Thank you in advance!Paul Ling
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Recently our customers have reported that their app doesn't work with per-app packet tunnel on iOS v13.3, but it was working well with the same VPN configuration and same app and vpn client versions on iOS v13.2.2. it is still working fine without per-app packet tunnel configuration or with on-demand packet tunnel configuration of same VPN client.I saw lots of "Can't assign requested address" for the connections. Is that something change in iOS 13.3 which cause this issue?default 18:06:11.055989 +0530 nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C13] reporting state failed error Can't assign requested addressdefault 18:06:11.179329 +0530 [C13 D01EF64B-BAF0-4F4F-976A-E258241EB12B tcp, pid: 465, legacy-socket] canceldefault 18:06:11.179400 +0530 [C13 tcp, pid: 465, legacy-socket] cancelleddefault 18:06:11.179598 +0530 0.000s [C13 737392A6-173C-456A-803E-780DBE59D627 socket-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: lo0] path:startdefault 18:06:11.179632 +0530 0.000s [C13 737392A6-173C-456A-803E-780DBE59D627 socket-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: lo0] path:satisfieddefault 18:06:11.179672 +0530 0.000s [C13 737392A6-173C-456A-803E-780DBE59D627 socket-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: lo0] flow:start_connectdefault 18:06:11.179709 +0530 0.001s [C13 737392A6-173C-456A-803E-780DBE59D627 socket-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: lo0] flow:failed_connect Can't assign requested address(Path is satisfied), interface: lo0] flow:failed_connect Can't assign requested addressdefault 18:06:11.183745 +0530 nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C13] reporting state cancelled error Can't assign requested address
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"Microsoft Teams" app has multiple "Microsoft Teams Helper" sub-processes with the same bundle identifier as main process when it is running, which is "", and one of "helper" process handles most of Teams network traffic.When assign "" to the per-app packet-tunnel VPN profile, its network traffic are not sent to the VPN client app via the PacketFlow. I guess the VPN profile has been assigned to the main process which is not handling network traffic at all, but the helper sub-process is not assigned to VPN profile, so network traffic do not go through VPN.Anyone can confirm my guess and guide me how make such kind of apps (main and helper apps together to finish the function) work with per-app VPN? Is the app vendor need modify its helper app to the different bundle identifier, so MDM can assign the helper bundle identifier specifically to the per-app VPN profile to handle the network traffic?Attached MS Teams app contents below.Thank you!Contents Resources TeamsUpdaterDaemon.xpc _CodeSignature CodeResources Frameworks Microsoft Teams Microsoft Teams Helper Microsoft Teams Helper ADAL.framework Electron Framework.framework HockeySDK.framework Mantle.framework ReactiveCocoa.framework Squirrel.framework Info.plist MacOS Teams PkgInfo
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