I'm wondering if setting the correct activityType after initializing CLLocationManager will make the location results more accurate.
locationManager = CLLocationManager()
locationManager.distanceFilter = 20
locationManager.activityType = .fitness
In order to check for issues related to positioning,I go to https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/profiles-and-logs/ and follow the instructions for Location Services for iOS to install a logging profile on my device.But I can't view the gpsd.log.lz4 file.
Occasionally, the location of a user will suddenly shift by several hundred kilometers to different airports, even though the kCLLocationAccuracyBest level of location accuracy is being used, and most of the time, the location accuracy is less than 50.
Some users of our App have a large range of drift in the case of high accuracy of positioning points during the static process, how to solve it.
The CLLocationManager configuration is as follows.The desiredAccuracy is 3000.The distanceFilter is 1500.The location point horizontalAccuracy is less than 100,but the longitude and latitude of the positioning point are hundreds of kilometers different from the actual one.
I can't response Delivery Log after sending a production environment notification using the Notifications Console, but I can for the development environment.
I have successfully applied for the com.apple.developer.location.push authority and followed the documentation and implemented everything, the notifications are successfully sent from the server with all the required headers, but the client didReceiveLocationPushPayload method did not respond.