




WKWebView stops responding when navigating to simple web page that contains external JavaScript
The WKWebView in my application runs flawlessly and executes all the JavaScript of the websites visited. However, if I call up a very simple web page that contains nothing more than a text and a reference to the external JavaScript file "", which is nothing unusual, then the WKWebView freezes and no longer responds. The NSAllowArbitaryLoads in Info.plist is set to true. I have checked all configarations and all callbacks of WKNavigationDelegate, but found no way to allow or disallow the external JavaScript. If in my test the JavaScript is loaded from the same server, it works. This is just a test to reproduce the error. I cannot influence the website that I actually want to display in WKWebView.
Nov ’23
Why does Mac Catalyst never displays a backButtonTitle of navigationItem?
When we run the same navigation style app on iOS and Mac Catalyst, the navigation bar displays the back button title only on iOS as configured. However, on Mac Catalyst, the back button title is always missing, regardless of the configuration. navigationItem.title = "Home" // this will display on iOS only, not on Catalyst or navigationItem.title = "Home" navigationItem.backButtonDisplayMode = .default navigationItem.backButtonTitle = "Hello" // this will display on iOS only, not on Catalyst
Mar ’23
Floating keyboard on an iPhone?
An app store reviewer has rejected my build. With his message he posted a screenshot with a floating keyboard on an iPhone. I know this feature only from iPad OS. How can I enable a floating keyboard on an iPhone? Background: In this case I have implemented a MFMailComposeViewController as described in the documentation. No big deal, it works perfectly on all of my devices. The reviewer claims that it will not work / not dismiss on his device, posting this weird screenshot.
Jan ’22