




Comment on Local Push Connectivity - Send a Silent Notification
Thank your for your reply and time Matt :) I already have local push notifications as you describe above up and running in the app, similar to your setup. I have my own push server (awfully close to the sample code push server in the Simple Push Example ;)). Using that I can send some JSON to my NEAppPushProvider implementation where I can decode the JSON and convert it into a UNMutableNotificationContent object and add it to the UNUserNotificationCenter where it is presented on my device. I would however also be interested in sending a "Silent" push notification from my server...or more exact, based on content I receive from the server I will create a "background notification" (somehow) which would then cause some background work to run on my device, similar to what is described here: I've therefore tried adding the "content-available: 1" property in the userInfo of the UNMutableNotificationContent before I add it to the Notification Center. I have set up the device as mentioned in the above documentation, but the application(_:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:) function is not called as expected. I guess I get why this isn't working. I mean, I am trying to use a Local Push Notification to trigger some background work, and I seem to remember that this is not possible...but I would like to get confirmation before I venture further down that rabbit hole :)
Nov ’21
Comment on Local Push Connectivity For In-House/Enterprise Applications.
I am seeing the exact same problem at the moment (only difference is that this is from a regular App Store account). I am logged into my Apple Developer account. I click I end up at the "Sorry, you cannot view this page" error. I've taken the liberty of contacting you Matt, hoping you can help me out. Are there other persons I should contact instead?
Oct ’21