




Unable to present. Please file a bug.
This has been posted before on here but none of the answers work. I have 6 navigation links within a navigation view but on some of them it randomly pops back to the root and says "Unable to present. Please file a bug." in the console. Here is my code for my NavigationView: VStack { NavigationLink( destination: EventSetupQueueSelectionView() .background(Color.neutral(.oneHundred)) .navigationBarTitle("") .navigationBarHidden(true) .navigationBarBackButtonHidden(true) , tag: 1, selection: $modelController.currentPage, label: { EmptyView() } ) NavigationLink( destination: EventSetupQueueDetailsView() .background(Color.neutral(.oneHundred)) .navigationBarTitle("") .navigationBarHidden(true) .navigationBarBackButtonHidden(true) , tag: 2, selection: $modelController.currentPage, label: { EmptyView() } ) NavigationLink( destination: EventSetupSigningView() .background(Color.neutral(.oneHundred)) .navigationBarTitle("") .navigationBarHidden(true) .navigationBarBackButtonHidden(true) , tag: 3, selection: $modelController.currentPage, label: { EmptyView() } ) NavigationLink( destination: EventSetupRetailView() .background(Color.neutral(.oneHundred)) .navigationBarTitle("") .navigationBarHidden(true) .navigationBarBackButtonHidden(true) , tag: 4, selection: $modelController.currentPage, label: { EmptyView() } ) NavigationLink( destination: EventSetupPrivacyView() .background(Color.neutral(.oneHundred)) .navigationBarTitle("") .navigationBarHidden(true) .navigationBarBackButtonHidden(true) , tag: 5, selection: $modelController.currentPage, label: { EmptyView() } ) NavigationLink( destination: EventSetupSummaryView() .background(Color.neutral(.oneHundred)) .navigationBarTitle("") .navigationBarHidden(true) .navigationBarBackButtonHidden(true) , tag: 6, selection: $modelController.currentPage, label: { EmptyView() } ) EventSetupDetailView() .background(Color.neutral(.oneHundred)) .navigationBarTitle("") .navigationBarHidden(true) .navigationBarBackButtonHidden(true) } } The modelController.currentPage is changed via a separate button below the navigation view. I've removed that for simplicity. If I reduce the number of NavigationLinks, it works but this is not a solution. How can I fix this?
Aug ’21
How to handle an interrupted in-app purchase with specific data
I want to set up a consumable in-app purchase that buys a virtual ticket for a specific event in my app. When they buy the ticket I will send a message to my server to add their userID for a specific event ID in the database. There will be many events that a user could buy a consumable ticket for. I am aware of the necessity for a SKPaymentTransactionObserver subclass which handles transactions. However, if something goes wrong (they background the app, battery dies, loss of internet connection) the SKPaymentTransactionObserver will be sent the transaction until I call -finishTransaction. How can I know what event ID they've purchased the consumable for in this instance? Is there a payload that I can attach to a transaction? Thanks!
Feb ’21
PencilKit clarifications
Please can someone from Apple tell me what is going on with PencilKit? I want to include it in my app that has a minimum deployment target of iOS 11. Initially it wouldn't upload to the App Store, I'm assuming because of issue 53811027 in the release notes. So now iOS 13.1 has been released, can we release it yet? There are rumours going round that we can only use PencilKit with apps that have minimum deployment targets of iOS 13.1. Is this true? If so why? That doesn't make sense!
Sep ’19
Can't upload build using Xcode 11
I am trying to upload my build to the app store for Testflight using Xcode 11, but it just hangs on "Creating App Store API Analysis File" and then fails every time. It worked fine with Xcode 10. Application Loader has been deleted so I can't use that. What is going on here? Sort it out Apple!
Sep ’19