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TL;DR I am hiding promoted IAP products and I can verify that StoreKit thinks they are hidden by fetching the current visibility. However in the app store my promoted IAP products are still available.I have some promoted IAPs which I hide for users who have already purchased them (or cannot purchase them). But this doesn't seem to be working. At first I thought maybe I was doing something wrong so I added some logging to my app to figure out what was happening behind the scenes and then distributed through the app store.Basically the process is:1. On launch of the app I request products from StoreKit2. Once I get back products from the App Store I then determine should the products be hidden or "default" (which specifies to use the ITC setting for that product).3. I then have my own API that I call for each product with the appropriate visibility (hide or default) based on the status of the user.4. In that API I first get the current visibility by calling: `fetchStorePromotionVisibilityForProduct:completionHandler:`5. In the completion for the fetch call I log the "current visibility" and the error (if there was one) and then I check the visibility that I got back against what I am setting it to, if they differ then I call: `updateStorePromotionVisibility:forProduct:completionHandler:`6. In the completion handler for that call I log that the visibility was updated (and what it was updated to) and the error if there was one.Ok so now, on device using the app store build with these logs, I can now see what's going on. I see that the user has purchased the products and so they should be hidden. I see that after the products are received back from the App Store my code attempts to hide the products (a call to my API with the visibility `.hide` is made. The API checks the current visibility which is `.default`, no errors are returned. It then updates the visibility to `.hide`, the completion logs it and no errors are received.I then went to the app store and I see my promoted IAPs are visibile and tapable.I then fresh launch my app again, because this will enable me to check what the visibility is now. It goes through the same process as above and calls my API to hide the products. It checks current visibility, which is now `.hide` so it doesn't do anything more. I go back to the app store and I see they are still visible.Has anyone seen this particular behavior/issue, what have you done to resolve it? Is this just a bug? I can submit all this info in a Radar but since it is not testable outside of the App Store I can't submit a sample project for it so I am not sure how much attention I'd get.
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In my notification content extension info.plist I am setting UIUserInterfaceStyle to `Light` however this is not being honored in this view. When I expand my notifications I still see them in dark mode. I've also tried setting `overrideUserInterfaceStyle` to `.light` for both the `UIViewController (in the notification extension) and the underlying `UIView`, however this does not appear to be working for me either.Has anyone seen this issue? Is this supposed to work?
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I am hoping this is the right section in which to post this. I have an app in the app store that does not use location, we don't request location, we don't import CoreLocation (although it's possible a third party library is.) We don't get any warnings when we submit to the app store that we need to add the Info.plist descriptions for location. Location is literally not in use at all by my app.However if I go into the Settings App to my app on iOS 13+ Location shows under the list of "allow to access". The value is currently set to: "ask". If I tap into it I can see two options: "never" and "ask next time" with the latter currently selected. If select "never" and go back and then back in it goes back to "ask next time".Im trying to figure out what is causing this location setting to appear here. If I spin up a new sample project to test with, even importing all the same third party libraries I cannot reproduce this issue. It's upsetting my customers because they think i am tracking their location but I'm not. Furthermore if I go into Settings -> Privacy -> Location Services my app is not listed at in there as an app that has used or uses location.Anyone else seeing this and/or have any idea what might be causing this and more importantly how do I get this to go away?
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