@iEvanC were you able to figure it out?
Can you provide an example of how to pass the data from Widget when the main app is using UIApplicationDelegate please?
@dev.rockstar - Thank you!, but timeline gets called every time the widget needs to be updated right?
Also, is there a method which gets called when widget is uninstalled?
@jcgoforth, thanks a bunch!, i am able to get the widget info if the widget was installed.
However, when i uninstall the widget, i still get the widget info in the response to above method.
Do you know if there is a different method that i need to invoke in order to check if the widget was uninstalled?
Also, I tried adding small, medium widgets, and i see the family as invalid in the getCurrentConfigurations response.[0]
[0] WidgetInfo
configuration INIntent? nil none
family WidgetFamily <invalid> (0x0)
kind String "SomeWidget"
[1] WidgetInfo
configuration INIntent? nil none
family WidgetFamily <invalid> (0x1)
kind String "SomeWidget"
Hey guys,
My main app is in Objective-c, and i was able to get the data to show up on widget.
Main thing to note is : Widget will NOT have any access to App data. I followed a tutorial to access data.
For some reason apple doesn't let me include the link to the tutorial i followed. Search for this text on google " atomic bird ios widget" and chose the second link with heading " Sharing data between iOS apps and app extensions", this guy explained it really well.
Feel free to reach out to me at parimi816@gmail.com, i have had a tough time figuring it out, and would be more than happy to help anyone who is facing issues.
Thanks you @jcgoforth.
Where can we submit the feedback?
Thank you!