I am working on IOS 14 widget. I want to display core data on the widget, but unable to access the data.
How can i access the core app data from within the widget.
For tracking purpose, is there a way to know when a widget is installed/uninstalled?
Also, would it be possible to check which size widget was installed?
I upgraded to xcode 12 and created the widget , works fine on xcode 12.
Curious to know if i can run the code ( my branch with widgets code) on xcode 11.
I implemented getTimeline, getSnapshot and placeholder methods. While getTimeline, getSnapshot methods are getting called as expected, i don't see placeholder ever getting called ( my debug point never hits)
Also, as per my understanding, placeholder is supposed to feed the UI when the data is not available. Since placeholder method never gets called, i see a black widget during transition(when data isn't ready)
Is there a workaround? is anyone else experiencing the same?
I am displaying different content per family and would like to know if there is a way to customize the description via static configuration
StaticConfiguration(kind: kind, provider: Provider(), placeholder: PlaceholderView()) { entry in
WidgetEntryView(entry: entry)
}.configurationDisplayName("customize per family")
.description("customize per family")
.supportedFamilies([.systemSmall,.systemMedium, .systemLarge])
I want to open a specific screen when i click on the widget, How can i specify launch options?
Which method (in the app) gets called when i click on the widget
i am able to get the widget info using getCurrentConfigurations if the widget was installed.
However, when i uninstall the widget, i still get the widget info in the response to above method.
How can i check if the widget was uninstalled?
I tried adding small, medium widgets, and i see the family as invalid in the getCurrentConfigurations response. Can someone help me understand how i can get the family to be populated here.
[0] WidgetInfo
configuration INIntent? nil none
family WidgetFamily <invalid> (0x0)
kind String "SomeWidget"
[1] WidgetInfo
configuration INIntent? nil none
family WidgetFamily <invalid> (0x1)
kind String "SomeWidget"