




Reply to How to codesign CLI tool so that I can read CNContact.note field?
You need to be a member of a paid developer program to work apply for a managed capability. I am blocked on that front. Something went wrong with enrollment and I'm currently waiting on Apple support. I'm guessing it's because I'm living in a different country than my nationality. But let me clarify: Even if I want to run this tool only on my own machine (for now), I have to enroll into the program, correct There is no way to run self-signed CLI tools? On the command-line tool front, is a restricted entitlement, one that must be authorised by a provisioning profile. Using restricted entitlements from a command-line tool is tricky, [..] I generally recommend the workaround described in Signing a daemon with a restricted entitlement A daemon application does not really fit the model I'm thinking of. It sounds like it's a service that is constantly running. If I understand correctly I would need to package a daemon service into an app, and then also provide a CLI tool to interact with that daemon. Is there a way to integrate the entitlements into binary? I don't mind slightly more complicated if I can avoid the complex setup of a daemon within in an app. Is there documentation on how to do that? It sounds like you’re building a solution for yourself, not a product that you plan to ship to a wide range of users. True. But the hope is to be able to build something that other people might be able to use. In conclusion: Are you saying there is no way to have single binary CLI tool build with Swift that can access the notes field?
Jan ’24