Thanks but, sorry, that only partially solves the problem.
The text box no longer wraps but it does not follow the curser as you type.
I am on macOS, doing point-to-point communication.
I believe I found the error. This site gave a list of ports that may be blocked. I saw that X11 is using port 6000 and I recently installed X11 for some docker work I was doing.
The port was no longer in use after uninstalling X11. It seems that the port was being reserved, rather than being open.
Should I have used a tool other than lsof?
Even though this does not answer the question about why custom binding does not update the UI it seems that the only way to reliably update the UI is to using the @Published property wrapper in an ObservableObject. It will use combine to notify the UI about the change.
No, I did not. If I understand correctly, that will save it for the object but there is no way to link it to the scene - or am I missing something? Can I use UserDefaults and link it to the scene?
Sorry, did not manage to find a solution.