How do I disable it in Xcode 9?
Thank you.
When I press Ctrl+R inside the Xcode, application starts up, but when I press the tool on the toolbar - application crashes.
So I can detach it before pressing the tool or after pressing the tool.
Thank you.
At which point I should do the "Detach the debugger"?
Here is the scenario.
My project contains of 1 executable binary and 14 dylibs.
Some dylibs depends on each other and the binary executable depends on some of those libraries.
The binary executable as well as some libraries depends on the wxWidgets. (wxWidgets is self compiled and used from that place - I didn't run "make install")
what about other files/folders in the xcodeproj directory?
Thank you.
Yes, I'm sure.
First of all - the project builds fine and it runs fine from the Terminal.
Second - running "git clone..." should grab the whole repository (every single file).
It is exactly the same folder structure as in the old laptop.
Thank you.
So there is a function to send file(s) to Trash, either synchronously or asynchronously, but there is no API to recover them from Trash.
OSX is definitely a weird OS. ;-)
Thank you.
Is it possible to restore the files from Trash? Maybe not with a single API call, but a little function...
Thank you.