




How do I mix 2 hardware audio devices and record them as 1 audio track?
I am trying to mix the audio from 2 different hardware audio devices together in real-time and record the results. Does anybody have any idea how to do this? This is on macOS. Things I have tried and why it didn't work: Adding 2 audio AVCaptureDevices to an AVCaptureMovieFileOutput or AVAssetWriter. This results in a file that has 2 audio tracks. This doesn't work for me for various reasons. Sure I can mix them together with an AVAssetExportSession, but it needs to be real-time. Programmatically creating an aggregate device and recording that as an AVCaptureDevice. This "sort of" works, but it always results in a recording with strange channel issues. For example, if I combine a 1 channel mic and a 2 channel device, I get a recording with 3 channel audio (L R C). If I make an aggregate out of 2 stereo devices, I get a recording with quadraphonic sound(L R Ls Rs), which won't even play back on some players. If I always force it to stereo, all stereo tracks get turned to mono for some reason. Programmatically creating an aggregate device and trying to use it in an AVAudioEngine. I've had multiple problems with this, but the main one is that when the aggregate device is an input node, it only reports the format of its main device, and no sub-devices. And I can't force it to be 3 or 4 channels without errors. Use an AVCaptureSession to output the sample buffers of both devices, then convert and put those samples into their own AVPlayerNodes. Then mix those AVPlayerNodes into an AVAudioEngine mixer. This actually works, but the resulting audio lags so far behind real-time, that it is unusable. If I record a webcam video along with the audio, the lip-sync is off by like half a second. I really need help with this. If anybody has a way to do this, let me know. Some caveats that have also been tripping me up: The hardware devices that need to be recorded might not be the default input device for the system. The MBP built in mic might be the default device, but I need to record 2 other devices and disclose the built in mic. The devices usually don't have the same audio format. I might be mixing an lpcm mono int16 interleaved with a lpcm stereo float32 non-interleaved. It absolutely has to be real-time and 1 single audio track. It shouldn't be this hard, right?
May ’22
AVAudioEngine input node reporting wrong number of channels when used with an AggregateDevice
When I create an aggregate device with 2 hardware inputs and 1 output and I try to use it with AVAudioEngine, it fails to start. I get the error IsFormatSampleRateAndChannelCountValid(outputHWFormat) If I use an aggregate device with only 1 input/output, it works. The problem seems to stem from how aggregate devices handle channels. If I add a 2 channel device and a 1 channel device to the aggregate as inputs, I get an aggregate device with 3 channels. However, if I try and get the format of the input node, it only reports the format of the first device in the aggregate. So instead of saying the device has 3 channels, it will say it has 1 or 2 depending on which device is the main device. I've tried creating my own AVAudioFormat using channel layouts such as kAudioChannelLayoutTag_AAC_3_0, but this only works in very specific cases and is very unreliable. Can anybody help with this? It is driving me crazy. The main problem I am trying to solve is to combine/mix 2 hardware (or virtual hardware via HAL) audio devices in real-time for recording. An aggregate device alone doesn't work (see Thanks for any help, you would save my day/week.
May ’22
Recording an AggregateDevice with 2 stereo audio inputs results in quadraphonic (4 channel) audio.
I need to record 2 stereo AVCaptureDevices into 1 audio track. I can successfully create the aggregate device using AudioHardwareCreateAggregateDevice, but when I record that device, the resulting audio track has quadraphonic audio. The problem with this is that some players, such as VLC, won't play all the tracks. So I tried forcing the file writer to use 2 channels with a stereo layout (see code below). This doesn't quite work because all 4 of the channels are mapped to both of the stereo channels. As in, they are not actually stereo. The left/right channels from the aggregate devices play in both channels of the resulting file. code I used to make the track stereo: var audioOutputSettings = movieFileOutput.outputSettings(for: audioConnection) audioOutputSettings[AVNumberOfChannelsKey] = 2 var layout = AudioChannelLayout() layout.mChannelLayoutTag = kAudioChannelLayoutTag_Stereo audioOutputSettings[AVChannelLayoutKey] = NSData(bytes: &layout, length: MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: layout)) movieFileOutput.setOutputSettings(audioOutputSettings, for: audioConnection) Can anyone help me with this so that both left channels from the 2 devices play in the left channel and same with both right channels?
Mar ’22
On Xcode Cloud, my macOS archive fails with NSLocalizedDescription=exportOptionsPlist error for key 'method': expected one of {}, but found development
On Xcode Cloud, my macOS archive fails with NSLocalizedDescription=exportOptionsPlist error for key 'method': expected one of {}, but found development It succeeds locally and on my other build systems, it only fails on Xcode Cloud. Any thoughts?
Aug ’21