
Post marked as solved
3 Replies
Hello,I'm try to develop a VPN app for my self (macOS app).But when I make a call:let session: NETunnelProviderSession = tunnelManager?.connection as! NETunnelProviderSession do { log.debug("[SESSION][STATUS] \(session.status.rawValue)") try session.sendProviderMessage(data, responseHandler: completionHandler) } catch { log.error("Failed to send message to VpnExtension") }The sub-class of NEPacketTunnelProvider didn't call.I also configured the .entitlements files with:- Code signing: set auto from xcode anf valid.- Network Extension with package tunnel enabled.- Personal VPN: allow- App group: same group for app and network extension target.- Keychain access group: enabled and set to same value.So, anyone can help me or suggestion?Thank for your reply.Nguyen
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