I'd like to know if the ipv4Settings includedRoutes/excludedRoutes work with per-app VPNs. They work as expected for device wide VPN profiles, but they appear to have no effect when configured on per-app VPNs. Are these properties supported on per-app VPNs?
Thank you.
Based on the sec_protocol_metadata_create_secret() and sec_protocol_metadata_create_secret_with_context() parameters, it seems like these functions might implement RFC 5705, but there's very little documentation for these functions. Can someone confirm whether or not these functions implement RFC 5705 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5705?Thank you.
Hello,I have a need to specify a TLS session id on a UDP connection. I'm using the Networking framework but I don't see any nw_parameters_set_* or sec_protocol_options_set_* methods to allow this. Is it possible to specify the session id?Thank you.