Typing "defaults write com.apple.dt.Xcode DVTDisableMainThreadChecker 1" in terminal worked for me.
And then opening xcode, asked to install additional components.
Edited the post.
Thanks for the reply. @eskimo
Setting locale works for me.
But question is still why it is working for some devices and and getting nil for some.
Is there any setting in the iPhone which causing this issue?
Below code works fine with iPhone with iOS version 15.6.
Also instead of assigning url to the material contents, if I use default image from resources its loading on time.
Tag: ProcessRaycastResults
private func setVirtualObject3DPosition(_ results: [ARRaycastResult], with virtualObject: VirtualObject) {
guard let result = results.first else {
print("Unexpected case: the update handler is always supposed to return at least one result.")
self.setTransform(of: virtualObject, with: result)
// If the virtual object is not yet in the scene, add it.
if virtualObject.parent == nil {
self.childNodesPortal = virtualObject.childNodes
self.getMatrials(scene: virtualObject.childNodes)
func getMatrials(scene:[SCNNode]){
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5 ) {
for child in scene {
material.diffuse.contents = "https//xyz.png"
material.normal.contents = "https//xss.png"
//setting here materials with the png images from url.
Ios version 16 causing delay for image assignment for the virtual object.
Anyone could suggest why there is variation for iOS v16 and what workaround I should do.
Thanks in advance.