




Set nowplayingInfo for showing song title, artist on airplay (Apple Tv), not work
Hello,I am sending metadata from an audio app via the MPNowPlayingInfoCenter : title, artist, artwork....On iPhone devices, all these informations are correctly displayed in the control center of the device (as weel as in Carplay wich uses also these metadata or in the Apple Watch).But on Apple TV via airplay (MPVolumView), i just see a black screen with a progress bar.I registered via KVO on the AVPlayerItem timedMetadata, but as soon as i play on AppleTV i do not receive any notification anymore as an observer.Do someone have the same problem ? Thank you a lot for any responses.
May ’19
Airplay stop playing video streaming when app is in background or device locked
Hello everyone,I'am using an AVPlayerViewController for playing video in streaming.When I launch Airplay on the AVPlayerViewController on the Apple TV and put the app in background or if I lock the device, the video paused on the Apple TV.I verify that like in this post had check the background audio, airplay modeMy audio Session is started and active in AVAudioSessionCategoryPlaybackMy AVPlayer is in playing mode when I go in background or if I lock the deviceI read the 'Special Considerations for Video Media' paragraph of this post,but they don't spoke about the AVPlayerViewController.I understdand that video is not one of the possible background mode capabilities but Airplay is.So do you have any way to have the video stream audio/image playing with the app' in background or device locked using the AVPlayerViewController ?Thank you in advance for your advices or any technical link that I would have missed.
Mar ’20