




NavigationView and ScrollView = Extra Padding?
Im having an issue with my View. When ever i want to put it inside of a ScrollView there is extra padding that appears. I tested to find the cause of it but to no luck. Here is the code for it : NavigationView{ NavigationLink(destination: HiringAdPage(favorite: true)) { HiringAds() } .buttonStyle(PlainButtonStyle()) } the ScrollPart of it : ScrollView{ VStack(spacing: 0) { ForEach(0..<5) {index in HiringAdsView() } } } Someone please help been trying for a while now..
Jul ’23
Not able to decode JSON
Getting error " Thread 1: Fatal error: Could not decode sanantoniotx.json from bundle." Here is my code. // MARK: - Welcome struct Welcome: Codable { var status: String var urgentAdsHTML, data: [AdInfo] } // MARK: - AdInfo struct AdInfo: Codable { var aid, bname, bcity: String? var bstate: Bstate? var distance: String? var cangap: String? var vip: Int? var photo: [String: String]? var adsTitle, adsMsg, status: String? var urgentAdsHTML: [AdInfo]? enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { case aid, bname, bcity, bstate, distance, cangap, vip, photo case adsTitle case adsMsg case status, urgentAdsHTML } static let allAds: [AdInfo] = Bundle.main.decode(file: "sanantoniotx.json") static let sampleAd: AdInfo = allAds[0] } enum Bstate: String, Codable { case tx = "TX" } extension Bundle { func decode&lt;T: Decodable&gt;(file: String) -&gt; T { guard let url = self.url(forResource: file, withExtension: nil) else { fatalError("Could not find \(file) in bundle.") } guard let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url) else { fatalError("Could not load \(file) from bundle.") } let decoder = JSONDecoder() guard let loadedData = try? decoder.decode(T.self, from: data) else { fatalError("Could not decode \(file) from bundle.") } return loadedData } } receiving the error at. fatalError("Could not decode \(file) from bundle.") Id be very thankful if anyone can help.
Jul ’23
Argument passed to call that takes no arguments help
here is my code. extension Bundle { func decode&lt;T: Decodable&gt;(file: String) -&gt; T { guard let url = self.url(forResource: file, withExtension: nil) else { fatalError("Could not find \(file) in bundle.") } guard let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url) else { fatalError("Could not load \(file) from bundle.") } let decoder = JSONDecoder() guard let loadedData = try? decoder.decode(T.self, from: data) else { fatalError("Could not decode \(file) from bundle.") } return loadedData } } I am having issues on these lines. guard let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url) else { fatalError("Could not load \(file) from bundle.") } Someone please help. Thank you!
Jul ’23