I modified content filter SimpleFirewall example as below to run build/Release//com.digitalguardian.dgsysext.systemextension/Contents/MacOS/com.digitalguardian.dgsysext on my terminal without using UI and tried to filter the data. But It is not working as expected & none of function have not invoked from FilterDataProvider
I have removed SimpleFirewall target & kept SimpleFirewall Extension target only.
I have removed 'IPCConnection.shared.startListener()' in main.swift
Even I have tried by adding enableFilterConfiguration() functionality which is available in ViewController.swift to the main.swift. But no use.
Any one pls help me on this.
I am trying to understand simplefirewall example in content filters but it looks difficult for me because I am new to swift language.
What are required steps to view the operations on an IP & port using content filter and How to evaluate my own rules and my own actions on filtered rule data
Any one please provide the steps.
HI, I am new to network extensions and content filters.
In my MacBook Pro, I have one "c\+\+ application in user space, one kernel module and IOKit interface between them to exchange messages. I have some hook functions for network operations APIs like socket(), connect(). If any network operation performs, I catch them in hook functions and I will perform policy evaluations on them in kernel and will perform my own actions.
Now I want to remove hook functions in kernel and I want to catch network operations using content filters in my c++ application at userspace. Once I catch network operations using content filter, I want to evaluate my own polices on them and will perform my own actions based on the result.
I have done some R&D about this but not found samples on content filters in objective-c or c++ except simplefirewall example in swift language.
Anyone pls provide some samples in objective c or c\+\+ to register network extensions, to catch all non-browser network operations, to extract local & remote address (port & ip) details.
So that I can refer the samples to get network operation details at user space in my c++ application, I will send those details to kernel using IOKit to evaluate my own rules and perform my own actions.