




how to show all contents in CPListTemplate?
I test my music app which supports CarPlay. CarPlay limits maximum number of items with CPListTemplate.maximumItemCount. my test case(real iPhone and CarPlay Simulator) CPListTemplate.maximumItemCount is 500. so I can show 500 items in CPListTemplate. however when I test with Apple Music App, (which has a playlist contains over 1000 songs) all songs can be presented. (I can scroll first song to last song.) I guess there's a reload list logic, because the limit count(500 items in list) should be same. but I don't know when should I reload items. because CPListTemplate is not UITableView, so I can't check an item position in list. I checked CPListItem, CPListTemplate and CPInterfaceController in documentation, I can't fine any hint for that. is there any ideas for showing all contents?
Aug ’23
CPTabBarTemplate has a bug when set root template?
my app is for music app and target deployment is iOS 14. I wrote a code for developing CarPlay like this, let tabbarTemplate = CPTabBarTemplate(template: someTemplates) try await interfaceController.setRootTemplate(tabBarTemplate, animated: false) print("here's after set root template") the print not called. even breakpoint not working. I guess it's not working because of the completion handler is not called. but after change the code like (for test), let listTemplate = CPListTemplate(title: title, sections: sections) try await interfaceController.setRootTemplate(listTemplate, animated: false) print("here's after set root template") the print called. and breakpoint also works. is this a bug ?? is there a way to receive completion after set CPTabBarTemplate as root template?
May ’23