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Hi,I'm trying to add users using App Store Connect API 1.0. I can add a user OK, but if I try to add a user with access to just a single app it instead invites them with permissions for all apps. I've set allAppsVisible to false and specified the App ID for the app in the visibleApps relationships section. Am I missing something or setting the app to have access to incorrectly?Sending this POST through Postman:{ "data": { "type": "userInvitations", "attributes": { "allAppsVisible": false, "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Appleseed", "email": "", "roles": ["CUSTOMER_SUPPORT"] }, "relationships": { "visibleApps": { "data": [{ "id": "1234567890", "type": "apps" }] } } } }Thanks,Tom
by mrtom.
Last updated