HEllo, sorry for the misunderstanding on the info.
The case is everything was working fine.
I have this fucniton in the tokensession
func tokenSession(_ session: TKTokenSession, sign dataToSign: Data, keyObjectID: Any, algorithm: TKTokenKeyAlgorithm) throws -> Data {
return Data()
Everythin was working fine but while testing resolving a challenge from a website my mac lost connection and this function was not able to arrive to return data()
This causes the token extension to not run again properly.
This had happened to me on an ios device. After reboot al comes back to normal.
In the mac,t his is not the case.
The tkExtension does come up on the process. I have attached the logs in ther eI found this line,
com.intereidas.dniMac.mac.TKExt:DniMac, error: Error Domain=CryptoTokenKit Code=-7 "(null)"
I guess there resides the issue but as mentioned before in ios gets fixed after rebooting not on mac.