I am a developer of a team and my account is not the account holder in the developer.apple.com (it is admin role) our previous APNs was expired and I wanna create a new one, as you know when we want to create a aps.cer in the developer portal we need to have a .certSigningRequest file and we can generate it from
opening Keychain Access application and open Keychain Access -> Certificate Assistant -> Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority from menu,
in the window we have some textfields and one of the called User email address
so here is my question: which email should I put in the box? should I put my email or the account holder's email?
I asked it on Stackoverflow but I didn't get an appropriate answer, so decided to ask here and I will remove it form the Stackoverflow in order to prevent duplication:)
due to SimpleFirewall example - https://developer.apple.com/documentation/networkextension/filtering_network_traffic I tried to convert it for iOS, but there is several vagus that I couldn't solve them.
1 - first here is used NENetworkRule and NEFilterSettings but both of them are available for mac apps, and I couldn't find any alternative for iOS
let filterRules = ["", "::"].map { address - NEFilterRule in
let localNetwork = NWHostEndpoint(hostname: address, port: FilterDataProvider.localPort)
let inboundNetworkRule = NENetworkRule(remoteNetwork: nil, remotePrefix: 0, localNetwork: localNetwork, localPrefix: 0, protocol: .TCP, direction: .inbound)
return NEFilterRule(networkRule: inboundNetworkRule, action: .filterData)
// Allow all flows that do not match the filter rules.
let filterSettings = NEFilterSettings(rules: filterRules, defaultAction: .allow)
apply(filterSettings) { error in
if let applyError = error {
os_log("Failed to apply filter settings: %@", applyError.localizedDescription)
2 - I wanted to configure with NEFilterProviderConfiguration and I realized if I want to config a device as a client base, I must configure with vendorConfiguration ( is it correct??) , but the problem is there isn't any document for it, I just realized I must pass a [String : Any]? dictionary to it, and the value must be NSSecureCoding and I don't know how to make that dictionary?, I guess the key is the host name but I don't know how to fill the value!.
3 - and the third problem is I wanted to configure NEFilterManager with the datafilterprovider's bundle, but it doesn't have any property to set. how can I connect the project to filterprovider target in iOS
I searched in most websites and couldn't find a sample or a suitable tutorial for NEFilterProvider does it have any tutorial or sample code on the internet?!?!? because I do not know how to use it on the project ( should I add a new target? should I have a custom VPN? and etc...)
I want to use packet tunnel provider for manage traffic usage on ios device, and I do not want to connect to a remote vpn server ( I mean the address target is or localhost). I want to use it for adblocking purpose on all traffic data in all applications
So here is my question, how can I config the tunnel provider protocol for run in localhost:
here is my configuration:
let providerProtocol = NETunnelProviderProtocol()
providerProtocol.providerBundleIdentifier = "com.project.tunnel"
providerProtocol.serverAddress = ""
//???? providerProtocol.username = "uid"
vpnManager.localizedDescription = "local"
vpnManager.protocolConfiguration = providerProtocol
vpnManager.isEnabled = true
self.vpnManager.saveToPreferences { (err) in
and the loadConfig() function is:
func loadConfig() {
vpnManager.loadFromPreferences { (err) in
if let err = err {
print("error is :\(err.localizedDescription)")
do {
try self.vpnManager.connection.startVPNTunnel()
} catch {
print(" error when connect is \(error.localizedDescription)")
and also I used { NEVPNManager.shared() }() for defining vpnManager
Hi all
As I was searching arount it these days I realized I must use NETunnelProviderManager() rather than NEVPNProtocolIKEv2() and use a networkExtension target project and linked it to the providerManager, And also I realized I can configure my VPN with an object was made from NETunnelProviderProtocol() .
So here is my question:
every VPNs has a bunch of configuration (server address, remote identifier and etc.) an my vpn such other has them, so how can I configure them for an enterprise VPN configuration??
for more detail, here is an example of IKEv2 configuration:
let p = NEVPNProtocolIKEv2()
if config.pskEnabled {
p.authenticationMethod = NEVPNIKEAuthenticationMethod.sharedSecret
} else {
p.authenticationMethod = NEVPNIKEAuthenticationMethod.none
p.serverAddress = config.server
p.disconnectOnSleep = true
p.deadPeerDetectionRate = NEVPNIKEv2DeadPeerDetectionRate.medium
p.username = config.account
p.passwordReference = config.getPasswordRef()
p.sharedSecretReference = config.getPSKRef()
p.disableMOBIKE = *
p.disableRedirect = *
p.enableRevocationCheck = *
p.enablePFS = *
p.useExtendedAuthentication = ***
p.useConfigurationAttributeInternalIPSubnet = false
p.remoteIdentifier = config.remoteId
p.serverAddress = config.server
p.localIdentifier = config.account
I developed a vpn application for iOS via iKEV2 protocol and network extension for a company. and because it has a free with advertisement plan , so I should prevent users to connecting it from iOS setting, as I was checking several applications in iOS do it and work in the appStore ( but I don't know they use openVPN or IKEV2??), so here is my question!!
Is there any way for prevent users for connecting to the VPN from setting???