For me, it turned out to be an issue with the xcodeproj file AND settings. I removed the DVTSourceControlAccountDefaultsKey and also recreated my Xcodeproj from scratch. If you are doing a Swift package that does not require an xcodeproj then just delete it. Very annoying problem to deal with.
Can you print a UTF8 representation of the data?
Having same issue here. They work initially and then randomly stop working. This is on Xcode 13.2 RC
I have found this also to work. Although I think SwiftUI needs a much better way of supporting multiple macOS Windows.
In your AppStruct, although any persistent struct or class can hold a window.
Limitations: No idea how to let the system determine the window position or whether it will autosave window information.
struct Radio_2App: App {
let someWindow = NSWindow( contentRect: NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 580, height: 300), styleMask: [.titled, .closable], backing: .buffered, defer: false)
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup() {
func openWindow() {
someWindow.contentView = NSHostingView(rootView: SomeOtherView())
I disabled FileVault and also revived the T2 firmware (per albertaki). I'm not sure which one or if both helped but the install finally worked.
Having the exact same issue here. Changing all security settings made no difference.
It has probably changed the refresh rate. I have the same issue on my 2018 MBPro. I had to resort to plugging the display only on the left side ports, even though before this update the monitor always worked fine. Try this go to System Preferences > Displays, then hold down the Option key and click the "Scaled" radio button. There should be a drop down to show Refresh Rates. If the drop down is missing then click on "Show low resolution modes".
On my system for no reason at all it goes to 30hz instead of the native 75hz. Sometimes it lets me change it, sometimes it doesn't.