




SwiftUI iOS 14 Text date formatter calendar not applied
I am using DateFormatter with a custom calendar in Text(_:formatter:), but the text does not display the correct date. But if using DateFormatter.string(from:), the correct date will be displayed. So, what is the difference? The example: extension DateFormatter { static func hijri(_ format: String) -> DateFormatter { let formatter = DateFormatter() formatter.dateFormat = format formatter.calendar = .init(identifier: .islamicUmmAlQura) return formatter } } struct TextFormatterView: View { var body: some View { VStack { Text(DateFormatter.hijri("dd, MMMM yyyy").string(from: Date())) // 24, Rabiʻ I 1445 👍 Text(Date(), formatter: DateFormatter.hijri("dd, MMMM yyyy")) // 09, October 2023 ❌ } } }
Oct ’23
ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral with parameter pack Cannot convert value of type 'Int' to expected argument type 'UIView.ConstraintValue'
protocol UIViewConstraint { associatedtype Anchor: AnyObject var anchor: NSLayoutAnchor<Anchor>? { get } var attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute { get } var value: UIView.ConstraintValue { get } } extension UIView { struct Constraint<Anchor: AnyObject>: UIViewConstraint { var anchor: NSLayoutAnchor<Anchor>? var attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute var value: UIView.ConstraintValue } } extension UIViewConstraint where Anchor == NSLayoutYAxisAnchor { static func top(_ value: UIView.ConstraintValue, to anchor: NSLayoutYAxisAnchor? = nil) -> UIView.Constraint<NSLayoutYAxisAnchor> { UIView.Constraint(anchor: anchor, attribute: .top, value: value) } static func bottom(_ value: UIView.ConstraintValue, to anchor: NSLayoutYAxisAnchor? = nil) -> UIView.Constraint<NSLayoutYAxisAnchor> { UIView.Constraint(anchor: anchor, attribute: .bottom, value: value) } } extension UIView { struct ConstraintValue { var constant: CGFloat } } extension UIView.ConstraintValue: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral { init(integerLiteral value: Int) { self.init(constant: CGFloat(value)) } } extension UIView { func active<each Anchor>(_ constraint: repeat UIView.Constraint<each Anchor>) { (repeat _active(each constraint)) } func active2<each Constraint: UIViewConstraint>(_ constraint: repeat each Constraint) { (repeat _active(each constraint)) } func active3(_ constraint: any UIViewConstraint...) { } private func _active<T: UIViewConstraint>(_ anchor: T) { // } } let superView = UIView() let view = UIView() superView.addSubview(view) .top(10), // Cannot convert value of type 'Int' to expected argument type 'UIView.ConstraintValue' .bottom(20) // Cannot convert value of type 'Int' to expected argument type 'UIView.ConstraintValue' ) view.active2( .top(10), // Cannot convert value of type 'Int' to expected argument type 'UIView.ConstraintValue' .bottom(20) // Cannot convert value of type 'Int' to expected argument type 'UIView.ConstraintValue' ) let top: UIView.Constraint<NSLayoutYAxisAnchor> = .top(10) // ✅ let bottom: UIView.Constraint<NSLayoutYAxisAnchor> = .bottom(20) // ✅, bottom) // ✅ view.active2(top, bottom) // ✅
Jan ’24