Subclass WKWebView and add this override:
override func buildMenu(with builder: UIMenuBuilder) {
super.buildMenu(with: builder)
builder.remove(menu: .share)
Unfortunately this also removes the "Share..." menu item, which I'd rather keep... But if you want to remove everything, that's a possibility.
@openingapps Just download the latest version from, run the file and you're good to go. The details on the repo are for customizing the configuration.
After mourning the death of AppCode and XVim, and being highly frustrated with Xcode 13's Vim mode, I started working on a very different approach: a macOS app integrating Neovim in Xcode. The first version is promising and I'm already using it for my daily work.
Come check it out: ShadowVim
This is not a Vim emulation, but real Neovim with macros, ., Ex commands, etc.
Vim plugins (without UI) work out of the box. Hello vim-surround, argtextobj.vim and whatnot.
Add key mappings to trigger native Xcode features from Neovim (e.g. "Jump to Definition" on gd).
After mourning the death of AppCode and XVim, and being highly frustrated with Xcode 13's Vim mode, I started working on a very different approach: a macOS app integrating Neovim in Xcode. The first version is promising and I'm already using it for my daily work.
Come check it out: ShadowVim
This is not a Vim emulation, but real Neovim with macros, ., Ex commands, etc.
Vim plugins (without UI) work out of the box. Hello vim-surround, argtextobj.vim and whatnot.
Add key mappings to trigger native Xcode features from Neovim (e.g. "Jump to Definition" on gd).