




Comment on Code USSD more 50 characters??
Hello, I am creating an application for the management of operations and banking inquiries since in the country where I lived they do not have the resources to do it in the ios community, so it consists of using the Sim, the ussd codes are executed, example 44404# es to start a section in a bank, then there are operations that exceed 50 characters, for example when you put 2 cards for transfer, each card has 16 characters, plus the pin of each card and the amount and it does not let you call
Aug ’23
Comment on Background updates with the app closed
So the only way to wake up an application is through a server by sending silent notifications 😓 what if I create an alarm like the one on the phone to pick up the application and update those cases? Will it work? Why the alarm application ⏰ being still closed emits the alarm at the chosen time.I'm looking for a solution since it's not facial to pay for a server to raise an application when that should be done 💆🏻‍♂️
Jul ’24