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I'm working on a Replicated File Provider extension for macOS. I've come across an issue recently on macOS 13+. It seems that the displayName of the domain changes when I call addDomain multiple times with the same NSFileProviderDomainIdentifier but with different displayName parameters. This behavior seems correct so far. However, the displayName, and of course the actual path under CloudStorage, revert back to their original values when I call disconnect to a domain manager. Here's the code snippet of getting existing doamin and disconnecting it: NSFileProviderManager.getDomainsWithCompletionHandler() { domainList, error in defer { dispatchGroup.leave() } for domain in domainList { if domain.identifier == NSFileProviderDomainIdentifier(rawValue: String(sessionId)){ domainResult = domain break } } } dispatchGroup.wait() guard let manager = NSFileProviderManager(for: domainResult) else { return -1 } manager.disconnect(reason: disconnectReason, options: []) { error in defer { dispatchGroup.leave() } errorResult = error } dispatchGroup.wait() Could a member of the internal team please help confirm if this is the correct method for updating the displayName of an existing domain? Additionally, is there a way to ensure that the new displayName persists even after disconnecting it? It would be great to allow users to customize and set a meaningful name for it. Thanks. Min
by minlee.
Last updated
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Hi, I'm now working with FileProvider on MacOS11.6. I find out that I need to add icons and export it as UTI in Containing App of FileProvider if I want to show some icon decoration on my items that under the control of FileProvider. But I just encountered some difficulties: As title says, once an UTI being exported with arbitrarily identifier, I cannot cancel the exporting and then re-export another image with the same identifier for the need of changing image but remaining identifier unchanged. My icon decoration somehow stops to show on items but it normally shows corresponding decoration identifier when evaluated by fileproviderctl evaluate {item_path} and changing identifier did not help. Both difficulties were not solved by follow steps I've tried: Force restart Finder Delete domain before restart FileProvider Use pluginkit -r to remove FileProvider before restart FileProvider Any advise would be appreciated, thanks!
by minlee.
Last updated