




WKWebView password autofill
Hi, We've been using the WKWebView for authentication and authorization purposes inside our app. Unfortunately, we are not able to enable the password autofill/keychain integration with WKWebView. The website is working correctly (we can see the suggested passwords and the key for the password list)whenever we are opening it using Safari, but when we are trying to open it inside our app using the WKWebView there is only default toolbar ( with arrows and done button). Is there a possibility to enable autofill using some javascript scripts or WKWebViewConfiguration in WKWebView or is this behaviour is reserved only for SFSafariViewController and Safari?
Jul ’20
Buttons, Toggles changes appearance after using `.focusable` view modifier.
Hi. During WWDC some of the awesome SwiftUI features were introduced. I'm really glad that finally, we received the prefersDefaultFocus and \.resetFocus which allows to pick the view which should be focused and allows some focus engine manipulation. Unfortunately, I still have several issues. Whenever I attach .focusable view modifier to button/toggle the default animation and color change after focusing that view stops working. The button/toggle itself works fine, it receives the events and reacts to them, but the appearance changes. Do anyone have any idea what am I doing wrong or is this an expected behavior. If so is there a simple workaround or am I forced to reimplement the appearance and the animation whenever I want to use use the .focusable view modifier? Maybe there is another way to detect which of the views is focused?
Jul ’20