The ios app stores the number of dumbbells via Bluetooth and stores calories in Apple Health. During exercise, I want to check the heart rate on the user's Apple Watch and show it on the iPhone app and the Apple Watch app. To turn on the heart rate on the Apple Watch, you must also turn on the exercise function on the Apple Watch. Then, the exercise data is saved in Apple Health on the iPhone and saved twice on the Apple Watch. I am wondering if there is a way to use the iPhone to Apple Health and the Apple Watch to store heart rate without overlapping.
I am using xcode Version 12.1
Widgets are added by size to the app being serviced, but only the medium size is shown.
Below is the code.
var entry: Provider.Entry
@Environment(\.widgetFamily) var family
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text(, style: .time)
switch family {
case .systemSmall:
case .systemMedium:
case .systemLarge:
Text("Some other WidgetFamily in the future.")
and It works well when it comes to a new project, but why does this work in an existing app?
I made a bluetooth thermometer for Arduino.
I want to display the temperature by connecting it to my Apple Watch 5.
Can I make an app on my own with the Apple Watch? (only apple watch)
hi I wanna connect my custom ble product with Apple Watch 6
it is possible ?
Plz ...If possible, can you give me some material for my reference??