




Reply to SwiftUI ScrollView performance in macOS 15
I've been drilling into this problem on my app, which scrolled perfectly on Sonoma and now is barely usable on Sequoia. I'm seeing thousands of hitTest calls. By swizzling hitTest and counting how many times they occur between scroll events. The following is PER SCROLL EVENT (or it might show two scroll ticks but still) To scroll this area It takes a good 300ms to respond to my scroll wheel on my M3 Max. What could these NSShapeHitTestingViews and NSGraphicsView and CGDrawingView calls be caused by? If others are having problems like this, perhaps we will see a fix from Apple. But in the meantime, I can't release anything until I either rebuild my view hierarchy (I'm doing some stuff with ScrollView, GeometryReader and LazyVStack - I don't see the same problems if I put my elements in a SwiftUI List but that doesn't give me all the functionality I need.)
Oct ’24