




Reply to VNRecognizeTextRequest Supported Languages
Despite the fact that we are now several beta versions further on... the problem has remained the same.You can choose different languages but I don't really notice a difference.For a long time I wondered why my app does not recognize German umlauts (e.g. Ü ö ä or a ß).Now I found out that umlauts are only recognized if I set the .recognitionLevel= .fast and the .usesLanguageCorrection = falseUnfortunately, the .customWords seem not to work anymore and the quality of the text recognition is not good.That would be nice if Apple could improve this or better explain what to do to get better results.
Feb ’20
Reply to Extended alphabets in TextRecognition
Hi masterblaster,For a long time I wondered why my app does not recognize German umlauts (e.g. Ü ö ä or a ß) with VNRecognizeTextRequest.Now I found out that umlauts are only recognized if I set :.recognitionLevel= .fast and.usesLanguageCorrection = falseUnfortunately, the .customWords seem not to work anymore and the quality of the text recognition is not good.At this time, the VNRecognizeTextRequest only seems to support en-US.VNRecognizeTextRequest.supportedRecognitionLanguages() always returns 1 value of en-US.Cheers,Michael
Mar ’20